Catacombs of Avalon - Episode Two
Curse of the Necromancer


If you have not been granted the Dragon Slayer title since achieving your first dragon kill, be sure to message the Lady of Avalon or one of the Knights and they will be able to grant this title for you.

When you slay your next dragon, leave the Lair through the blue portal at the top of the small staircase to the left and arrive in the forest. Pay attention to local chat for the following message:

Storyteller: After defeating the evil dragon you escaped the darkness of the catacombs. Entering the portal inside the dragon’s lair, you found yourself on a meadow, under the beautiful sky of Avalon.


Storyteller: You decided to take a rest from the severe fight with the dragon, and in the same moment you fell asleep…


Storyteller: In a strange dream, you see darkness falling and the sky turning red. You hear horrific eerie wailing of tortured souls. Suddenly a hole in the sky tears open.


Storyteller: Countless winged demons and horrible creatures of darkness begin to stream out. One of them flies directly towards you.


Storyteller: Before you are able to take your sword in your hand and raise your shield the evil creature grabs your neck with it's blood stained sharp fangs and opens it's mouth to bite your head off. While screaming out loud, in a horrible pain.....


Storyteller: …you wake up. Your body is still trembling in fresh memory of this apocalyptic vision. Something is wrong. All surrounding sounds of nature silenced, even the birds and crickets. You take you armory and decide to visit the nearby village, to find out more about your [strange dream].

**NOTE: Any time you seed words in [brackets], these are key words that you will need to speak to an NPC in order to proceed or receive the next hint.



Go to the Avalon Village and enter the courtyard where you will find Fiona, the NPC in a blue dress. Click on Fiona. 

Fiona: Need a hand, stranger?

Say to her in local chat, "strange dream".

Alanna: strange dream


Fiona: Sorry to hear that you had such a horrible dream. Could it be a vision of the future? Of Avalon's future? Either way, you should look at the royal declaration. Yesterday, a herald came and pinned it over there to the wooden walkway.

There is a scroll hanging on a crate behind her. Click on the scroll to get a notecard called “Catacombs of Avalon - Episode 2 (Adventure Guide)” and read this short guide.  When you take the guide, Fiona speaks to you again:

Fiona: By the way, could you do me a favor, please? My grandfather asked me to light the signal fire atop the outpost tower, next to the village. But I am far too busy right now feeding these chickens. Could you light it for me? Pleeeeease?

Look behind you and you will see a small staircase. Go up the stairs and to your right there will be a tall tower. Go all the way up to the turret outside. Wear your TORCH that you obtained in the cemetery while doing Episode 1 - Part 1 - The Graveyard. If you do not have this TORCH, return to this part of the guide to obtain one.

Once you reach the top of the tower, click on the center sconce and light the fire.

Fire: You have ignited the outpost signal fire.


Fire: Suddenly you spot a dark silhouette of a man, standing near the log fire in the forest, next to the keep.

Run to the forest and find the man then click on him.

Mysterious Man: Greetings, I have been waiting for you.

Mysterious Man: I have been watching you since the moment that your ship arrived on the shores of Avalon. My name is not important for now. If you would like, you can call me Ranger.

Mysterious Man: I also know about your quest and perhaps I am the one who may be able to assist you. Do you accept my offer?

Answer his question and say “yes” in local chat.

Alanna: yes


Mysterious Man: Well then. I guess you should read the book about history of necromancy, to learn about the dark powers which are threatening our realm. You can find a copy in the village.


Mysterious Man: It is also important for you to know that you have been watched by evil beings, since you arrived on this island. They tried to kill you when you ventured down into the catacombs.


Mysterious Man: Their power source lies within a mystical realm far beyond our imagination. It is the Realm of Twilight.


Mysterious Man: Evil magic is becoming strong again on Avalon. Soon, the gates to the Realm of Twilight will open, spreading pain and death about Avalon, turning it to a sinister place of shadows.


Mysterious Man: I cannot fight the dark powers myself, but you ... you have survived the forsaken catacombs. If you find a way to enter the Realm of Twilight, you could destroy the source of evil.


Mysterious Man: There is a young maiden, living in the village, on the other side of the lake. Her name is Fiona.  Seek her and ask her about [Guinevere].


Mysterious Man: She will lead you on a quest for a special amulet. When you have gained the amulet, meet me at the obelisk near the village.


Mysterious Man: Here, take my horn. Blow it to call me.


Mysterious Man: I have to leave now. Safe paths, my friend, may the Light of Avalon shine your way.

Click on the horn and get the RANGER’S HORN.

Second Life: Ranger's Horn gave you 'Ranger's Horn'

Ranger's Horn: You have obtained the Ranger's Horn. Blow it, to call the Ranger.

The Ranger has given you the following tasks to do:

  • Read about the history of necromancy, there is a copy in the village.
  • Speak to Fiona about Guinevere.
  • Obtain a special amulet.
  • Meet him at the Obelisk (using the horn he gave you to call for him) once you have the amulet.


ITEM 2: GET THE CANDLE, Read the Necromancer Book

Go back to the village and speak to Fiona and click on her.

Fiona: Need a hand, stranger?

Say, “Guinevere” in local chat.

Alanna: Guinevere


Fiona: Hey, you’re kidding, right?. You don’t know the romantic story about Lady Guinevere and her knight, Sir Lancelot?


Fiona: My grandmother used to tell me fairy tales about Lady Guinevere. She said that once she saw a lit [candle] in the window of the old outpost tower, and then as she looked over at the lake she saw Lady Guinevere standing there, in her beautiful white dress. But the Lady died centuries ago and I do not believe these tales.


Alanna: candle


Fiona: Yes, my grandfather has a candle. He needs it to read history books.

Go into the tavern, the Rusty Crowbar Inn, and find the Necromancer Book sitting on a desk in the back corner. Click on the book:

Old Book : ***   T h e   O l d   W a y   -   H i s t o r y   o f   N e c r o m a n c y   ***

Old Book: In the early centuries, magicians with evil intentions began to study the old ways of black magic. They learned a form of divination, which is originally used to conjure spirits of the dead in order to gain knowledge about the future and the outcome of future events. These magicians founded an occult society, based on the practices of necromancy. But the necromancers, misused their powers, to control the bodies and souls of the dead for their own purposes.

Old Book: < Click to continue >

Old Book: Finally, their occult practices were discovered and necromancy was prohibited by law in the realm of Avalon. Here lies the origins of the age of wars on Avalon. History tells us also about one powerful and feared necromancer. He learned long forgotten ancient spells from unknown sources and was able to separate his soul from his mortal body.


Old Book: < Click to continue >


Old Book: ***   L u m i n a   -   T h e   G o d d e s s   o f   L i g h t   ***

Old Book: Many people worship Lumina as the Goddess of Light. As many gods, no one knows, if this divine presence really exists, but legends tell about a knight, who entered her temple and met the Lumina herself. When he returned, he was surrounded by a holy aura. He described the goddess as a presence of amazing beauty and kindness, with powers far beyond our imagination.

Old Book: < Click to continue >

Old Book: A white feather was given to him, by the goddess herself. She told him, to offer this feather in her temple, when the realm is in great danger. But her temple was destroyed during the wars by necromancers. When the knight died, he was laid to rest, somewhere in an unknown place, deep inside the catacombs. Today, there is not much left of Lumina’s temple, except some ruins and a white arc.

Old Book: < Click to continue >


Old Book: ***   T h e   A n c i e n t s   ***

Old Book: Legends tell about the Ancients, gods from a far universe, banished in the Realm of Twilight, a realm of darkness and dark magic. There, they lie in their eternal slumber, waiting for the one, who will open the gates to their realm, to turn our world into a sinister place of suffering and pain.

Old Book: < Click to continue >

Old Book: It is told, once a powerful necromancer entered their realm in his spectral form, after separating his soul from the body, using an ancient spell. He failed to awaken the dark gods, but gained their incredible dark powers. Later, this necromancer was responsible for the severe devastations and the deaths of many brave knights. Finally, the evil necromancer was defeated and banished in the Realm of Twilight.

Old Book: < Return to first page >


You see a red candle sitting on the desk. Click on the candle:

Candle: Since you are an honest person, you wouldn't take this candle without asking the owner for [permission].

Go back to Fiona.  Click on her.

Fiona: Need a hand, stranger?

Say, permission in local chat.

Alanna: permission


Fiona: You want to borrow my grandfather's candle? I guess you can take it, but don't lose it.

Go back and click on the CANDLE.

Candle: You take the candle.

Second Life: Candle gave you 'Candle'



Now, go back to the tower where you lit the fire. This time you ascend the staircase until you reach a landing with windows all around. Wear the CANDLE and click on it.

Candle: As you place and light the candle, a cold shiver flows through your body.


Candle: For a moment you have a vision of a ghostly white lady, standing on the shore of a lake.

Go to the path from the village to the right side of the lake, leading towards the Stronghold. You will see Guinevere standing there. When you reach her, she will speak to you.  Once you see Guinevere turn to face you, she has registered your presence and you may continue to the next location without stopping. You do not have to stop and listen to her dialogue once you know the correct path to take.

Lady Guinevere: As you approach the manifestation, you recognize her as Lady Guinevere. Her ghostly appearance looks at you with her sad eyes. She silently points to the other side of the lake and gestures you, to follow her.

Continue forward and go around to the left, to the other side of the lake’s edge.

Lady Guinevere: Lady Guinevere seems to be lost in her memories. As you reach her, again she indicates you to follow.

Go to the top of the waterfall, next to the Gryphon.

Lady Guinevere: As you reach the ledge, the manifestation of Guinevere turns towards you. An eerie aura seems to surround her.


Lady Guinevere: Guinevere’s appearance looks at you, as you approach. She gestures you again, to follow her.

Go to the forest.

Lady Guinevere: Lady Guinevere disappears again.

Go to the other side of the campfire.

Lady Guinevere: The Lady’s manifestation smiles sadly. Then she looks in direction of the keep.

Go to the Stronghold and up the stairs in the back, left corner, turn right and continue on the ledge where she stands towards the middle.

Lady Guinevere: Just in time, you reach Lady Guinevere. She looks at you, as if she were asking, why you kept her waiting.

Turn back towards the stairs that and go past them, turning around the left corner to the far side of the front, upper ledge of the Stronghold.

Lady Guinevere: As you reach the tower top, Lady Guinevere’s shiny appearance points at the distant opposite side of the lake. She obviously wants to meet you there.

Jump down off the ledge, go out of the Stronghold and cross over the bridge to your left, around to the far side of the lake’s edge, to the right.

Lady Guinevere: You have proven your endurance, adventurer. Now, I will request a favor. Do you feel strong and brave enough? Answer with ''yes'' or ''no''.


Type “yes” into local chat.


Alanna: yes


Lady Guinevere: My dear knight, Sir Lancelot, went on his quest for the holy grail, down into the darkest depth of the catacombs. He never returned. Travel to the forsaken grounds, enter the catacombs and find my beloved knight. Take this crystal chalice and fill it with water from a holy spring on this island. You will need it on your quest. Return here when you have fulfilled your quest.


Crystal Chalice: You have picked up the Crystal Chalice.

Second Life: Crystal Chalice gave you 'Crystal Chalice'


Crystal: As Lady Guinevere disappears, you notice a tear-shaped crystal lying in the grass.

Click on the tear that is hovering in the grass and get GUINEVERE’s TEAR.  (You can do this twice and collect 2 tears before it disappears.)

Guinevere's Tear: Guinevere has left an artifact for you. It's Guinevere's Tear. It has the ability, to store some kinds of magic. It is also able, to memorize some voices.


Guinevere's Tear: Now, it is dull and empty. You need to find a magical being, to recharge its magic.


Second Life: Guinevere's Tear gave you 'Guinevere's Tear'


Guinevere's Tear: Return here after you have done, what Guinevere asked for. Use the artefact, to summon the Lady's last manifestation.

NOTE: You can repeat this section of the quest to obtain multiple tears for use in later parts of the quest.



Guinevere has told you to fill your CRYSTAL CHALICE with holy water from the spring. Go to the fountain that is on the outside wall of the Stronghold near the forest. Click on it.

Sacred Water: The water of the sacred fountain is cold and clear.

Wear the CRYSTAL CHALICE and click on the fountain.

Sacred Water: You fill the chalice with sacred water from the fountain.

Go to the Catacombs and find Sir Lancelot.

Enter the Catacombs, fall through the floor and go to the Inquisition carpet. Cross the carpet and continue past the room with the Soul Devourer, through the tunnel with the spider. Immediately after the doorway with the spider, turn left and pass through the wooden gated door.

Continue to the cave with the water and Sir Lancelot's remains. Click on him.

Remains of a Knight: These are remains of a knight. He died here a long time ago.


Remains of a Knight: He is holding something in his hand. It's a strange metal object.


Remains of a Knight: You try to open his clutch, but you fail.

Wear the CRYSTAL CHALICE filled with water and click on Sir Lancelot again.

Remains of a Knight: You pour the holy water on the remains.

Ghost of Sir Lancelot: You travelled far to awaken me from my eternal slumber, my friend. I am Lancelot, one of the knights of the round table.


Ghost of Sir Lancelot: My beloved Guinevere... tell me, have you really seen her? And she sent you to the darkest depths of the Catacombs to find me?

Say “yes” in local chat.

Alanna: yes


Ghost of Sir Lancelot: Poor Guinevere. She is still waiting for me, and has been for such a long time... but my soul is bound to the place of my death. I failed on my quest for the holy grail, my soul forced to reside in this dark and decaying place for all eternity.


Ghost of Sir Lancelot: Here... bring this letter to her. She must know what happened to me and that my feelings for her never changed.

Click on the letter and get LANCELOT’S LETTER.

Second Life: Lancelot's Letter gave you 'Lancelot's Letter'

Lancelot's Letter: You take the letter.


Ghost of Sir Lancelot: I will open a hidden passage for you. It leads to ...


Ghost of Sir Lancelot:  < Suddenly the ghost of Sir Lancelot vanishes and a deadly silence returns to the dark place of darkness and decay >

When you take the letter from Sir Lancelot, a passage opens. Walk through the door and down a corridor until you reach a door. Open the door and walk into the next room where you will see a wall of rocks leading up to an opening at the top.

Climb the wall by jumping from one rock to the next until you reach the room at the top. You will need the same jumping skills you have used in previous quest challenges, only this time you are jumping from rock to rock as you ascend a wall.

Enter the room at the top of the wall, click on the chest and get ANGEL’S FEATHER.

Angel's Feather: You have obtained an Angel's Feather. Travel to the White Arc and use it there, to gain access to the Temple of Light.


Second Life: Angel's Feather gave you 'Angel's Feather' 

You see a mask in the corner behind you and click on it:

The Mask of Twilight: You are not ready yet, to obtain the Mask of Twilight.

The mask is not yet available. Leave through the blue portal and it will take you to the main landing point, on the bridge in front of the Stronghold.



Sir Lancelot has given you a letter to give to Lady Guinevere. You go to the lake and see her standing by the water’s edge, but as soon as you reach her:

Lady Guinevere: The manifestation of Lady Guinevere looks at you with her sad eyes. Then, suddenly the illusion vanishes with a sigh. Emptiness fills the place, like she was never here.

You remember GUINEVERE’S TEAR, that you are supposed to use the artefact to summon Guinevere. You wear the tear and click on it:

Guinevere's Tear: The artifact is dull and empty. You have to recharge it.

You recall the message about a magical being to restore its magic. Go to the forest and walk towards the dragon in the ruins. Before you reach the dragon, you will see a siren sitting upon a rock in the lake to the right of you. Go to the siren and wear GUINEVERE’S TEAR and click on the siren:

Celestia, the Siren: Well met, adventurer. ...Arielle? No, I am not Arielle. My name is Celestia, I am a siren, a daughter of the endless sea.


Celestia, the Siren: I'd be happy to recharge Guinevere's tear for you. Use it well.


Guinevere's Tear: The crystal within the artifact begins to glow, as the magic flows through it.

Now return to the lake where you saw Guinevere disappear. Wear GUINEVERE’S TEAR charged with light and click on it. Guinevere appears in the middle of the lake along with several lily pads that you must jump across to reach her. You must jump without falling into or touching the water, otherwise the lily pads will disappear and you will have to start over again.

Before you begin jumping, remove the tear from your hand and add LANCELOT’S LETTER.

When you jump across the lily pads and reach Guinevere, she will greet you:

Lady Guinevere: You have found my beloved Lancelot? Please show me the proof that you have completed your quest.


Lady Guinevere: < Lady Guinevere takes the letter and begins to read >


Lady Guinevere: Oh… oh no…! He is dead... And his ghost cannot leave.


Lady Guinevere: I won’t see him anymore. All the years… I have waited patiently for him.


Lady Guinevere: < Lady Guinevere begins to cry silently. Her ghostly tears fall into the lake. >


Lady Guinevere: Well, you have done well and fulfilled your obligation, so I will keep my promise and reward you. Take this amulet. It is the Amulet of Protection, a holy artifact. Once, a holy knight gave it to me. He told me that it was a gift from Lumina herself. It will protect you against evil magic. I have no more use for it, so it is yours.


Lady Guinevere: < Lady Guinevere gives you the Amulet of Protection (Black Magic Resistance: +10). But it is dull. You have to purify it somehow, otherwise it won't grant you any protection. >


Lady Guinevere: I have to leave this world now. Farewell, brave one, and thank you again.


Amulet of Protection: You have obtained the Amulet of Protection, a divine relic.

Second Life: Amulet of Protection gave you 'Amulet of Protection


Lady Guinevere: I have to leave this world now. Farewell, brave one, and thank you again.



You now have ANGEL’S FEATHER that grants you access to the Temple of Light, and the AMULET OF PROTECTION that must be purified by “Lumina”.  

Before you proceed, you must have your Avalon HUD charged with protection. Go to the Stronghold and find the Gold Dragon HUD Giver by the portals in the back, and charge your HUD with protection. 

Next, find the ruined arch behind the ballroom. Wear ANGEL'S FEATHER and your AMULET OF PROTECTION, then click on the open doorway to activate the portal.  You will hear some music and a blue, glowing portal will appear in the archway.

Magic Portal: As soon as you place the feather between the pillars of the arc, it levitates and begins to shine. A magic portal appears.

Wait for the music to subside, then click on the portal, and you will teleport to the Temple of Light.

Walk down the hallway to the next set of doors, and enter the room where Lumina is located. She will greet you:

Lumina: I knew, you would come, Alanna. I am Lumina, the Goddess of Light.

Click on her:

Lumina: The Amulet of Protection will protect you from all evil magic.


Lumina: It shall be clean and pure once more.


Amulet of Protection: The Amulet of Protection begins to shine, as new powers flow through it.


Amulet of Protection: The Amulet is now purified.

Click on her again:

Lumina: You seek the truth, and here you shall find it. Your journey was long. You have faced many kinds of [danger] in your travels and you survived all situations. Only once before you has a human entered these halls. He was a being of purest heart and soul. And now, I see you wandering in his footsteps and wearing his sword.


Alanna: danger


Lumina: You must know Alanna that Avalon is in grave danger.


Lumina: An ancient foe of Avalon was sealed, but has risen once again. It is an evil, corrupted necromancer. Centuries ago, during the age of the great wars, he turned himself into a spectral unholy being, leaving his mortal body behind. He intended to open the gate between our world and the realm of evil, unleashing pain and suffering to all of Avalon.


Lumina: A heroic knight once entered my temple seeking to protect his people. I granted him my favor, and he followed the evil necromancer to the Realm of Twilight. It was in this corrupt and evil place that he fearlessly challenged and defeated the necromancer. He was banished and the gate to the Realm of Twilight was sealed with the strongest ancient spells.


Lumina: However, centuries have passed and the magic spell has weakened, finally allowing the necromancer to be free once again. He is gathering strength and preparing to break the seal to bring darkness and doom to our world.


Lumina: It is your destiny, Alanna, to challenge and defeat the necromancer in his realm. But do not underestimate him. He has dark powers far beyond your imagination.


Lumina: You must make haste to the Realm of Twilight and challenge him. The fate of Avalon lies in your hands.

You may now leave the Temple of Light through the doors from which you entered.



You recall the Mysterious Man in the forest telling you:

Mysterious Man: She will lead you on a quest for a special amulet. When you have gained the amulet, meet me at the obelisk near the village.

Go to the Obelisk that is sitting in the grass near the bridge by the log-jump challenge and the Knight Hall.

Wear the RANGER’S HORN and touch it to call the Ranger.  When the Ranger appears, click on him:

The Ranger: We meet again. Have you acquired the amulet? Let me take a look at it.


The Ranger: I see that you have the purified Amulet of Protection. Excellent, now keep it safe for it will be crucial during your quest.


The Ranger: Meanwhile, I have found out something interesting. The reason for the growth of dark powers has its origin in the Realm of Twilight. A soul of an evil necromancer has been awakened and is trying to open the gates to our realm. You must stop him, or our fate will be sealed.


The Ranger: To defeat him, we need two things. The first one is the Staff of Ages. I have learned that the magic crystal shard was removed from the staff, a long time ago. The staff itself was hidden in the crystal caves on Avalon.


The Ranger: Search the crystal caves and obtain the staff. Hmm, the crystal shard... well, I suppose that could be anywhere. Maybe you should ask the keep guards about the whereabouts of the [crystal shard].


The Ranger: When you have completed your task and activated the staff, meet me atop the tower of the ruins. This place isn’t safe anymore and our time is running out. Make haste.

The Ranger: Farewell, my friend. Until we meet again.

The Ranger has given you these tasks:

·         Get the Staff of Ages

·         Get the Crystal Shard

·         Speak to one of the Keep guards about the Crystal Shard



Find the “Crystal Caves”. Go to the waterfall on the far side of the lake. Look up and you will see a Gryphon sitting on the rock ledge. Jump up until you are standing next to him. Walk under the waterfall and click on the rock wall behind it.

Strange Boulder: As a dragonslayer, you are strong enough, to move the boulder. You enter the Crystal Caves.

Enter the cave and walk towards the back until you find a block of ice with the STAFF OF AGES frozen inside of it. Click on it:

Ice Block: There is a strange staff inside the ice block.

You wear your TORCH and click on the ice block, trying to melt the ice with the hot fire:

Ice Block: You try to melt the ice with the torch, but the flame is too weak. You need a much stronger heat source. Maybe you should ask someone about this [ice block].

Go to Fiona, in the village. 

Fiona: Need a hand, stranger?


Alanna: ice block


Fiona: You found the Crystal Caves? Well why didn't you tell me? I can help. So, you tried to melt the ice block, right? There's not a lot I can say, but I will say this; seek a fire fairy, sometimes they are seen in Avalon. Ask her about the [crystal caves].

You wander about the hills of the land, and come upon a small Fire Fairy hovering upon a hill near the Ballroom, next to a tree.

Go to the Fire Fairy by the tree next to the ballroom and touch her. You may need to touch her a 2nd time to receive the following dialogue:

Ifurita: Beware, do not touch me, unless you want to burn your fingers.


Ifurita: Type 'light'/'dim', to switch my illumination state, type 'die' to get rid of me.

She will now be following you. Type “crystal caves” into local chat.

Alanna: crystal caves


Ifurita: So, Fiona sent you to find me? She does not know much about fire magic, but sent you to someone who does. Let me introduce myself. I am Ifurita, the fire fairy. At your service, noble adventurer.


Ifurita: So, you would like me to melt a big ice block in the crystal caves? That should be a piece of cake. Take me to it.


Ifurita: <Ifurita giggles>


Ifurita: Touch me once, and lead the way to the place with the ice block. Don't worry, I will follow you. But I'll give you fair warning, do not touch me a second time.

Go back to the Crystal Caves and touch the ice block holding the Staff of Ages.

Ifurita: Oh...this is rather embarrassing, but it would seem I promised you too much when I told you I could melt this ice block. It is no ordinary block of ice, I can feel the strong magic within.


Ifurita: But maybe I know someone we can ask who may be useful. A good old friend of mine. It's the scaled dragon, who has his lair in the old castle ruins nearby. I seem to think that he is the only one who could know just how to deal with this kind of ice.


Ifurita: However, you need to be careful, he dislikes human kind.


Ifurita: Now, let's go. What are you waiting for?

When you exit the waterfall cave, there is a Gryphon sitting on the ledge. This is entirely optional, but a lot of fun to “sit” on him and fly to the dragon which is standing guard in the old ruins.  

If you are flying a Gryphon, land on the grass and “stand” before you approach the dragon. If you get too close to the dragon, he will burn you and you will DIE. You will have to resurrect, charge your HUD and return to him in order to continue. If this happens, and you have died, you will need to return to the step where the fairy tries to melt the ice block inside the cave in order to continue and try again.

Now, walk up the stairs very slowly towards the dragon and get close enough so the dragon growls but does not breathe flames at you. When you see this dialogue from the dragon, stop and do not walk any further. Simply stay there and read the conversation. 

Old Dragon: Don't come closer, mortal one, or I will burn the flesh from your bones!

Ifurita: Calm down, my old friend. I am on a mission, together with this noble adventurer.


Ifurita: We need your help, you see there is an ice block within the Crystal Caves, and I am unable to melt it. Our realm is in danger and we need to obtain the staff inside the ice block.


Old Dragon: So... you want to regain the Staff of Ages? This is a difficult task indeed. I am afraid I cannot help you, I am old and my fire is far too weak to melt such ice. But I know where to get fire which is strong enough to melt the ice block of which you speak.


Old Dragon: Deep inside the catacombs, a young strong relative of mine has taken the place of the dragon slain by you. His dragon breath is strong enough to break almost any magical barrier. Venture into the Catacombs once more and challenge him. When he attacks with his fire breath, simply catch it.


Old Dragon: I guess your next question is how to catch the fire. Of course, not with your bare hands, but try it that way if you want, I won't stop you. However, if you do try, you will end up as toasted dragon meal. Get too close to me, and that's what you'll be anyway.


Old Dragon: You will need the Gauntlet of the Dragonrider. I heard it should be somewhere in the basement, beneath the Avalon Keep. When you challenge the dragon, wear the gauntlet and touch it while the dragon attacks with his fire breath. Now get going, before I change my mind and eat you myself.


Ifurita: Thank you, dragon. Farewell.


Ifurita: < Ifurita giggles and whispers >


Ifurita: LOL, the fire of this old dragon is barely strong enough to warm up a cup of tea let alone melt the ice block. Let's get going, we must find the Gauntlet of the Dragonslayer.

Go to the main landing point on the bridge and jump into the lake. You find the gate to the basement under the water.

You click on the gate but it is locked and there is a lever missing next to the gate.

Sewer Gate: The sewer gate is closed.


Mechanism: There is a slot, but the lever is missing. You should find the missing lever or something else, that fits into.

You must find something to use as a lever that will fit into the mechanism. You return to the village and travel up the set of stairs, continuing down the stone path and find a well. You notice the crank handle on the well would make a nice wooden lever, similar to the other levers you have found while on your journey. Upon investigating further, you click on the crank and receive the BROKEN CRANK.

Crank: You broke the crank. Put it away, before someone sees you. Maybe you could use it later for some purpose.


Second Life: Crank gave you 'Broken Crank'

Go back to the locked gate in the lake and wear the BROKEN CRANK then touch the space with the missing lever.

Mechanism: You pluck the crank into the slot. it fits perfectly



Now you can click the lever and open the gate and enter the basement. You go inside, up a set of stairs and through another door. There you find a room full of deadly green acid. There are very narrow stone ledges upon which you may walk safely, while avoiding various streams of pouring acid from above. Additionally, there are some areas where jumping is quite necessary in order to complete the path to the far side of the room.

There is a very informative YouTube video about the Acid Room that was created by one of our talented group members, Vinderex, that you can view here:

You will need to practice a lot, and be prepared to DIE many times before you master this room. 

You will use the same set of skills and viewer tools that you used when jumping the logs and the lava room in Episode 1 - Part 2 - The Catacombs. Go into “mouselook” while you walk and use the spacebar to slow your movement while making your way slowly across the narrow ledges.  Use the small pointer in mouselook to keep your avatar centered on the ledge as you move forward. You will need to pause in front of a few areas that have acid pouring down in order to make sure you travel across when it is not streaming down from the ceiling. 

On the far wall, there are some spouts with acid coming out of the wall. Make your avatar as small as it will go, point towards the wall and you will walk past these safely.

There are a few places you will need to jump. Take your time and use the skills you have learned and you will make it through here just fine.

Once you reach the far, left corner and you will see a metal drain on the floor. Click on the drain:

Floor Drain: You examine the floor drain. Inside, you see a small shiny object. You try to pull it out, but your hand won't fit through the grid. Obviously, you could use something like a hook to get the object.

Make note of this for the future, as you may need to return here again someday. 😉

Continue along the last part of the challenge to the final destination, the far, right corner of the room. There on the wall, you will see 5 symbols each with a lever beneath it.

You can find a hint for solving this puzzle on a gravestone outside in the grass near the ballroom.

Old Grave: There is an inscription on the old grave. This seems to be a kind of riddle.

The sun goes down,

The dead arise,

A fallen crown, the king ruled wise.

Raise shield and sword for Avalon,

and take your chance, before it's gone.

Make note of the following:  

  • Sun - down
  • dead - up
  • crown - down
  • sword and shield - up

Follow this guide and move the levers for each symbol to the appropriate position. You will have to stand close to each lever (within 2m) in order for them to work. Once you have them all in the correct position, the symbols will turn green and you will hear the door unlock. Click on the door and go into the next room.

Mechanism whispers: All levers are now in the right position. A hidden mechanism unlocks and opens the door.



Go inside the hidden room. You see a bloody pentagram on the wall and click on it:

Bloody Pentagram: There is a symbol on the wall. Hm... dried blood. The necromancers left this symbol behind.

Towards the back of the room you notice a desk with various items. You click on them:

Hamlet's Skull: This skull once belonged to Hamlet... Who the heck is Hamlet?!?


Candle: This is an old candle. It's of no use.


Old Diary: < This is a very old diary, it is almost falling apart. It must be from the era of the great wars. You don’t dare to touch it, so you read only the last entry of the opened book >


Old Diary: ''I am the last dragonrider and these are my last words. My brave dragon died in battle with the necromancers, killed by one of those cowards. They raised almost all dead from their graves… an army of unholy dead corpses. We fought them, but our weapons were ineffective. They wiped most of my fellow knights. Only a few survived... and me''


Old Diary: ''I think, they finally found my hideout. They will come to get me. I have to hide the last piece of my armor on a secure place. They never shall find it!''


Old Diary: ''...''


Old Diary: ''I hear someone coming...''


Scroll: A magic spell has summoned a teleport orb ... Destination: The Village.

Do not teleport from this area yet!

You see a bag on the ground and click on it:

Loot Bag (contains 1.000.000 L$): Hm, this bag is full of L$. But since money doesn't mean anything to you, you decide to put it back on its place.

Finally, you click on the torch which is on the wall. 

Old Torch: You pull the torch gently. The torch seems stuck.

You click again:

Old Torch: You pull the torch with more power. It still doesn't move.

You click one more time:

Old Torch: With all your power, you pull the torch. It moves and reveals a hidden alcove on the opposite wall.

A secret hiding area with a chest will open. Click on the chest and get the GAUNTLET OF THE DRAGONRIDER.

Gauntlet of the Dragonrider: You have obtained the fabled Gauntlet of the Dragonrider (Heat Resistance +100).


Second Life: Gauntlet of the Dragonrider gave you 'Gauntlet of the Dragonrider'

Now, click on the Scroll to teleport back to the Village.



You recall what the dragon in the ruins told you about melting the block of ice:

Old Dragon: You will need the Gauntlet of the Dragonrider. I heard it should be somewhere in the basement, beneath the Avalon Keep. When you challenge the dragon, wear the gauntlet and touch it while the dragon attacks with his fire breath. Now get going, before I change my mind and eat you myself.

Now, you must go to the dragon encounter and fight the beast in the lair. Wear your GAUNTLET OF THE DRAGON RIDER and go into the dragon lair. Don't wear a sword at this time. Wear a shield and protect yourself until you are attacked from the dragon’s head.  When you receive a red beam from the dragon head, do not use your shield to protect yourself, instead, wait for the dragon to breathe flames down upon you, then click on the GAUNTLET until it is glowing with a ball of flames in the hand.  (You may have to do this a few times to succeed.) Then, you can teleport out of the lair using the teleport portals located on the Avalon HUD.

Go back to the Crystal Caves (behind the waterfall) where the STAFF OF AGES is located inside the ice. Touch the ice while wearing your glowing GAUNTLET OF THE DRAGONRIDER and melt the ice to get the STAFF OF AGES.

Strange Boulder: As a dragonslayer, you are strong enough, to move the boulder. You enter the Crystal Caves.


Ice Block: The ice melts and sets the staff free.


Staff of Ages: You have obtained the Staff of Ages.


Second Life: Staff of Ages gave you 'Staff of Ages'



Next, you need to find the Keep guard that the Ranger mentioned who would give you more information about the CRYSTAL SHARD.

Return to the Stronghold and find the 3 guards who were mentioned in the “Before You Begin” section of this guide series. 

Speak to each guard by clicking on them, stating their name, and then type “crystal shard” into local chat.  Only one of them has the information.

The guard to the left of the Stronghold entrance:

Knight Eric: If you wish address me stranger, then just say my name clear and aloud.


Alanna: Eric


Knight Eric: What would you like stranger? I can provide you with information about the [stronghold], [dragon wings] and the [log maze]. If you want to know something else, address one of the other guards.


Alanna: crystal shard


Knight Eric:  I don’t know anything about that.

The guard to the right:

Knight Valerie: Hello there, adventurer *smiles*. Please call me Valerie.


Alanna: Valerie


Knight Valerie: Oh my, you would appear to be lost. Can I help you adventurer? You can ask me about my [fairy] . I can also tell you stories about the [Avalonian Dragon], or maybe other information of... of not as an official nature...


Alanna: crystal shard


Knight Valerie: I don’t know anything about that.

The guard inside the Stronghold, in the back by the portals:

Knight Cedric: Say my name, adventurer, if you wish to talk with me.


Alanna: Cedric


Knight Cedric: I see that you are a stranger to the land of Avalon. Perhaps you would like to know about the [portal] behind me? Also, please do not mention any [banana]!


Alanna: crystal shard


Knight Cedric: I have heard about this. The crystal shard is a part of an ancient relic, lost ages ago. Once, much time ago, it was owned by the king from the Order of the Lion. His castle was destroyed during the age of wars. Now, there are only ruins and an old dragon. The crystal shard was never found. Maybe you should search the ruins and dungeon, but I honestly doubt that the shard will be ever found.

Go now to the ruins beyond the forest where the dragon is standing guard. To the left of the ruins, you will notice a cave entrance.  You go inside to find a short tunnel with a torch lighting the passage. There is an undead guard standing in front of a gate. Click on him:

Guardian of Ages: The Guardian of Ages is guarding the entrance to the dungeon.


Guardian of Ages: Fulfilling his duty to the king, this elite knight died here centuries ago.


Guardian of Ages: His remains are still standing here, as a memorial of loyalty to the king.


Guardian of Ages: The guardian won't let you pass. You should ask the guards at the stronghold.

Go back to the Stronghold guards, and ask them about the Guardian of Ages.

Click on the guard to the left:

Knight Eric: If you wish address me stranger, then just say my name clear and aloud.


Alanna: Eric


Knight Eric: What would you like stranger? I can provide you with information about the [stronghold], [dragon wings] and the [log maze]. If you want to know something else, address one of the other guards.


Alanna: guardian of ages


Knight Eric: The Guardian of what?? never heard of him. Perhaps you should ask someone else.

Next, click on Valerie, the guard on the right:

Knight Valerie: Hello there, adventurer *smiles*. Please call me Valerie.


Alanna: Valerie


Knight Valerie: Oh my, you would appear to be lost. Can I help you adventurer? You can ask me about my [fairy]. I can also tell you stories about the [Avalonian Dragon], or maybe other information of... of not as an official nature...


Alanna: guardian of ages


Knight Valerie whispers: Keep your voice down a bit, not so loud. People dislike it if someone talks about that *Valerie looks around, obviously scared*. I do not know if the story is true, but it is said, the entrance to the dungeon is guarded by a long dead Avalon elite knight, the strongest and bravest of all knights.


Knight Valerie whispers: Once upon a time he died in the dungeon during a glorious battle with evil forces. He rescued the kingdom, but sacrificed his life... from this time on, his remains are blocking the entrance to the dungeon.


Knight Valerie whispers: The story goes, that he might be awakened, to permit a hero to enter the dungeon. It is my understanding that the only way to awaken him is to pour sacred water on his remains. But it must be poured from the legendary Dragon chalice. There is sacred water in a fountain near the castle... but the Dragon chalice... *looks sorrowed* hidden somewhere in the depths of the Catacombs of Avalon. It was hidden there by the ancient Order of the Lion. This is all I can tell you about it. Good luck.

You should have the DRAGON CHALICE from your adventures in Episode 1 - Part 2 - The Catacombs. If not, refer to this section of the guide to learn how to obtain this item.

Wear the DRAGON CHALICE and click on it:

Dragon Chalice: The chalice is empty.

Go to the fountain that is on the outside wall of the Stronghold, near the forest. Click on the fountain:

Sacred Water: The water of the sacred fountain is cold and clear.

Sacred Water: You fill the chalice with sacred water from the fountain.

Your DRAGON CHALICE is now filled with sacred water.

Return to the Guardian of Ages while holding your DRAGON CHALICE filled with water. While standing in front of the guardian, click on your chalice.

Ghost of Sir Gareth: Finally, you have freed my soul, brave knight. therefore, you may pass. Do not hesitate and don't look back.

The guardian transforms into a knight wearing shiny armor. Now you may pass. Go quickly, for he will transform back into his prior state again.

Walk down the hall and turn right through an open doorway at the end.

If you turn to your right, and then through the first open door on the left, you will soon find a locked gate.

Iron Gate: The iron gate is locked.

Go back to where you entered the first open doorway, and this time go to your left, then turn right around a corner until you see a wooden door on the right side.

Door: The door is locked.

Continue further down this tunnel around the corner to your right and you will see a wooden lever on the far wall. Go to the lever and click on it:

Lever: A door is opened somewhere.

At this time the Iron Gate will be open for a very brief period.  his part of the quest is easier to do with a friend. One person can click the wooden lever, while another person stands waiting at the Iron Gate. Once you gain entrance to the room inside the Iron Gate, there is a wooden lever than can be used (ONLY from the inside of the room) to open the gate and let your friends inside.

If you are alone, entrance through the Iron Gate can be achieved, however you must be VERY fast, and turn the corners towards the gate without flaw or you will not make it in time before the gate closes again.

Once you enter the chamber beyond the Iron Gate, you will find another Wooden Lever inside. Click on the lever:

Lever: A door is opened somewhere.

If you have guessed that the wooden door you found earlier is now open, you would be correct! You must RUN quickly to the door in order to gain entrance to the next chamber before the door closes again. Use the wooden lever next to the Iron Gate to exit the current chamber and run quickly to the wooden door.  Again, this is easiest to do with a friend, however, it is absolutely possible to do alone with practice.

You enter the chamber through the opened wooden door and find a room with 2 coffins and a doorway that is filled with bricks. Click on each of these items:

Grave: This grave is empty.


Grave: Probably the work of grave robbers.


Wall: This passage has been walled up a long time ago. The wall looks very solid. Maybe a hammer would come in handy.

Go to the village tavern, The Rusty Crowbar Inn. In front, on the right near a pile of crates and barrels, you will see a metal object on the ground. Click on it:

Hammerhead: It's the heavy head of a sledgehammer.

Find the WOODEN HANDLE you obtained in the Cemetery while doing Episode 1 - Part 1 - The Graveyard. If you don’t have the WOODEN HANDLE, refer to this part of the guide to learn where to find it.

Wear the WOODEN HANDLE and click on the hammerhead you found on the ground.

Hammerhead: You combine the hammerhead with the wooden handle. Now you've got a heavy sledgehammer.


Second Life: Hammerhead gave you 'Heavy Sledgehammer'.



Return now to the cave beneath the ruins where you found the door filled with bricks. Wear your HEAVY SLEDGEHAMMER and click repeatedly on the bricked-up doorway until it crumbles. This will take several tries, just keep hitting over and over. You will see the following messages in local chat as you continue to hit the wall:

Wall: Small cracks appear in the wall. Keep hitting.

Wall: The crack become larger.

Wall: You gain STRENGTH +1.

Wall: The wall breaks and reveals a passage.

Enter the next area and descend a set of stairs. Do NOT go into the hall, there is a Dark Servant roaming the corridor. You need to avoid running into this lethal being. If you do run into him, you will DIE.

Storyteller: A not so friendly specter killed you. At least that’s better than being haunted lifetime.

If you have DIED, use the Stronghold portal to resurrect and return to the main landing point on the bridge, in front of the keep. You may go inside the Stronghold to the back wall and charge your HUD with protection. Then return to the cave beneath the ruins where you found the Dark Servant.

This time, wait for the Dark Servant to walk past you to the right and follow behind it without running into him. There is an alcove about halfway down the tunnel on the right wall. Go into the alcove and stand there until the Dark Servant turns around and passes you again. Once he is safely to the left, turn right out of the alcove and continue down to the end of the passageway.

Enter the open doorway to your right and continue forward.  There will be a locked gate on the left side.

Iron Gate: The iron gate is locked.

Continue along the tunnel and you will come to an open door on the left. As you enter the room you will see a coffin. If you click on the coffin, a lethal Restless Soul will emerge and you will DIE.

Storyteller: A not so friendly specter killed you. At least that’s better than being haunted lifetime.

If you have died, click the Stronghold portal to resurrect and return to the main landing point on the bridge.  Go back to this area and continue forward.

As you proceed past the room with the coffin to the end of the tunnel, you find a wooden lever on the far wall. Click on the lever:

Lever: A gate is opened somewhere.

Quickly return to where you found the Iron Gate that was locked. You must hurry before it closes.  Enter the chamber through the open gate.

Turn to your left and you will see a door covered in crystals. Click on one of the crystals:

Crystal Barrier: Large crystals are blocking the entrance to the chamber. Maybe you can get a clue on this [crystal barrier] somewhere else.

Go to guards at the entrance of the Stronghold, once again, and speak to them.

Click on Eric, the guard to the left:

Knight Eric: If you wish address me stranger, then just say my name clear and aloud.


Alanna: Eric


Knight Eric: What would you like stranger? I can provide you with information about the [stronghold], [dragon wings] and the [log maze]. If you want to know something else, address one of the other guards.


Alanna: crystal barrier

Knight Eric: I don’t know anything about that.

Next, speak to Valerie, the guard on the right:

Knight Valerie: Hello there, adventurer *smiles*. Please call me Valerie.


Alanna: Valerie


Knight Valerie: Oh my, you would appear to be lost. Can I help you adventurer? You can ask me about my [fairy] . I can also tell you stories about the [Avalonian Dragon], or maybe other information of... of not as an official nature...


Alanna: crystal barrier


Knight Valerie: You had trouble with crystals, blocking your way? Hm, I heard about a method to break crystals with high voice waves. This is the only knowledge, I can share with you.


Knight Valerie: By the way, if you manage to shatter the crystals somehow, could you bring me some pieces? You know, diamonds are the girl's best friend *smiles*.

You recall a message you received when obtaining GUINEVERE’S TEAR:

Guinevere's Tear: Guinevere has left an artifact for you. It's Guinevere's Tear. It has the ability, to store some kinds of magic. It is also able, to memorize some voices.

You also recall the siren, Celestia, was singing. Return to her now while holding a tear in your hands.  Make sure your tear is not charged with light. If it is glowing with white light, touch the tear to discharge the light. 

Guinevere's Tear: The crystal sphere becomes dull, as the magic is drained. You have to recharge it.

Next, wait for Celestia to begin singing. Click on the tear while Celestia sings and it will turn red indicating that it is filled with song.

Guinevere's Tear: The crystal within the artifact begins to glow, as the artifact memorizes the siren's voice.

It is recommended that you chase Guinevere around the lake multiple times to obtain several tears. Fill each tear with a different song. There are several that she will sing randomly while you stand in front of her, so fill each tear with a different song.  Only one of the songs will open the crystal barrier. 

Once you have several tears that are glowing red, return to the crystal barrier. Wear one of the tears and click on the Crystal Barrier.

If it is not the correct song you will receive the following message:

Crystal Barrier: Large crystals are blocking the entrance to the chamber. Maybe you can get a clue on this [crystal barrier] somewhere else.


Crystal Barrier: This song doesn't affect the crystals. Maybe another one does.

Wear another tear and go through them all until you find the correct song. Once you play the right one, you will receive the following message:

Crystal Barrier: The crystal barrier is shattered by the siren's voice.


Guinevere's Tear: The memory of the artifact releases the captured voice.


Guinevere's Tear: The crystal within the artifact is dull and empty again.

Go inside the room and you see a crystal floating above a podium. Click on the crystal:

Strange Crystal: A strange crystal...

Wear the STAFF OF AGES and click on the strange crystal.

Staff of Ages: You connect the crystal with the staff. The Staff of Ages is now complete, but it still needs to be activated.

Your staff is now complete with the crystal in place, however, you still need to “activate” it somehow.



Remember the Ranger has told you to meet him on top of the old ruins once you have obtained the STAFF OF AGES.

Go now to the top of the large hill where you will see a giant mushroom. On the side of the hill where the ruins are located there is a small wooden ledge sticking out of the side of the hill. Stand on the ledge and jump across to the larger wooden platform just a short distance away.

Wear the RANGER’S HORN and the STAFF OF AGES, then click on the horn to call for the Ranger.

The Ranger: Good to see you survived. Have you obtained the Staff of Ages? Let me see.

Click on the Ranger.

The Ranger: Well done, you have the staff... but the crystal shard is dull. You must activate it first, otherwise it will be completely useless. You need to find the Eternal Light. Seek it atop the highest point of this realm. Good luck, you're going to need it.

You notice behind you there is a light at the top of the giant mushroom. Go closer and notice there are ledges all around the side of the mushroom for you to jump upward to the top.

Use the skills you have learned thus far and jump to the top of the giant mushroom. Equip your staff once you reach the top and touch the light.

Staff of Ages: As you touch the Eternal Light, the crystal on the staff begins to shine. Now you own the activated Staff of Ages, a powerful weapon. Touch the staff, to toggle its powers.


Eternal Light: Carefully, you touch the Eternal Light.

Return, once again, to the ledge behind the ruins and use the horn to call for the Ranger.

The Ranger: Good to see you survived. Have you obtained the Staff of Ages? Let me see.

Click on the Ranger to continue the conversation.

The Ranger: Fantastic, you have made it! I never thought I would see the Staff of Ages myself. And now... you are holding one of the most powerful weapons of all time in your hand.


The Ranger: The staff is the only weapon which can harm the necromancer in his spectral form. But there is another very essential item. It is...


The Ranger: The Necronomicon.


The Ranger: It is the book of dead. This unholy book is filled with evil black magic and indescribable inhuman things.


The Ranger: It is hidden somewhere beneath the forsaken graveyard. You require Lumina’s Rose to open the entrance to the hidden dungeon. You should ask Fiona about the [Rose of Lumina].


The Ranger: You will also need five black candles for the ritual, to unchain the Necronomicon from its place. They are scattered over the catacombs. Make sure to wear the Amulet of Protection when you take them.


The Ranger: I have to tell you another VERY IMPORTANT thing, so listen well. The only way to destroy the evil necromancer and to seal the gate to the Realm of Twilight is...



The Ranger has given you the following tasks to do:

  • Get the Necronomicon from beneath the forsaken graveyard
  • Speak to Fiona about Lumina’s Rose
  • Get Lumina’s Rose
  • Get 5 Black Candles from the Catacombs, while wearing your Amulet of Protection



Do as the Ranger has instructed and return to the village to ask Fiona about the ROSE OF LUMINA.

Fiona: Need a hand, stranger?


Alanna: rose of lumina


Fiona: Oh, so you heard about Lumina, the Goddess of Light? I do not know if she really exists, but it is told that when Lady Guinevere died, one of her tears fell on the earth and turned to a beautiful rose, the Rose of Lumina.


Fiona: I have never seen one myself, but I heard that the rose grows in the forest, next to the Avalon Keep. The rose is very rare and blooms only for a short time on different spots near warm places. But it is told, only those, who wear magic [golden glasses], can see the rose.


Alanna: golden glasses


Fiona: My grandfather used to have a pair of these glasses, but he lost them somewhere, a few months back. Maybe you'll find a hint somewhere in the village.

You search throughout the village until you find a narrow passageway between two of the buildings. When you walk to the end you realize the wall is a sliding door. Click on the wall to open the door.

You enter and turn down a long tunnel to find yourself inside a small room with a desk and some wine barrels.  There are papers scattered all about the desk and the floor. Click on each of the papers to read the following notes left behind:


Grandfather's Notice I: ''During my last expedition in the dungeon beneath the ruins, I found a very old history book about ancient gods and necromancy. It was hidden in a secret alcove in one of the dungeon walls. I am not a mage, but is my belief that some kind of magic kept it from falling apart. I took it with me. Unfortunately, I left my precious golden glasses in the alcove, in a frightened haste to flee a lost soul that appeared before me.''


Grandfather's Notice II: ''How proud I am of my dear Fiona, to think how useful and capable she is. Certainly, helpful and useful to our fair village. I am very impressed at her ability to raise healthy, happy chickens. However, I noticed a lonely upset chicken outside and wondered if she couldn't do something for him.''


Grandfather's Notice III: ''These are dark times, dark times indeed. I'm happy to have a secret place in which I can write down my thoughts. I do hope nobody ever finds it, I'd hate to have someone invade my privacy. I could use a good glass of wine right about now. (there is a red stain on the paper, most likely wine, and the rest is smudged and illegible)''


Grandfather's Notice IV: ''My old age is starting to get to me. I cannot walk as steadily as I use to and my mind slowly erodes. However, I am still a sharp and witty man and a lot of these young fools take me for granted. They don't realize that I see what really goes on around here. Little do they know about the darkness that lies beneath Avalon, but thankfully the guards at the keep are well trained and capable of keeping our village safe.''


grandfather's Notice V: ''Ah! Nothing so refreshing as a glass of wine. You know, I may be getting old but I still love wine as much as when I was younger. I have some of the finest wine of all of Avalon hidden away with my secret treasure. You know, I should probably write about the location of my hidden treasure, so some day Fiona can find it. It's ... (the rest of the note is covered in wine and cannot be read)''

You walk back out to the village courtyard and notice all of the chickens around. Grandfather’s Notice II mentions a lonely upset chicken. You click on the two chickens in front of the tavern:

Chicken: Please just take this egg and leave me alone!


Second Life: Chicken you 'Fresh Egg' 


Chicken is terrified by Alanna500 Resident and lays an egg from the shock!


Chicken: Please just take this egg and leave me alone!


Second Life: Chicken gave you 'Fresh Egg'

You go to the side of the tavern and notice there is a chicken there standing all alone. Go to him and click on him:

Chicken: Mmmh, tasty chicken!

Second Life: Chicken gave you 'Upset Chicken'

Next, Grandfather’s Notice I tells you that he left his glasses in an alcove while on an expedition beneath the ruins. You need to find grandfather’s GOLDEN GLASSES.  Return to the ruins. Make sure your HUD is charged with protection and that you are wearing your AMULET OF PROTECTION.

Return to the tunnel with the Crystal Barrier, only this time walk to the other end of the same tunnel.  You will turn right, go around a corner and continue all the way to the dead end.

Click on the wall and an alcove will open where you will see the GOLDEN GLASSES.

Object: As you touch the wall, a hidden alcove opens.

You click on the glasses.

Golden Glasses: Ah, finally. You have found Fiona's grandfather's glasses. You try to take them, but something is holding the glasses on its place. Is it some kind of magic?


Golden Glasses: You have a baaad feeling about this... something is wrong with this place.


Golden Glasses: Suddenly you smell the stench of death and decay. You have the feeling of an

evil presence, behind you...

Touch your AMULET OF PROTECTION until the light of protection shines bright.

Lost Soul: The specter screams and fades away.

Now touch the GOLDEN GLASSES once more.

Second Life: Golden Glasses gave you 'Golden Glasses'

Wear the glasses and click on them:

Golden Glasses: If you wear these glasses, you will be able to see hidden tings.

NOTE:  If you are too slow to click on your AMULET OF PROTECTION, the Lost Soul will not fade away and you will DIE.  If you DIE, click on the Stronghold portal of your resurrection screen to teleport back the main landing point on the bridge. Go inside the Stronghold to recharge your HUD with protection before you return to the caves to try again.



Remember what Fiona told you:

Fiona: I have never seen one myself, but I heard that the rose grows in the forest, next to the Avalon Keep. The rose is very rare and blooms only for a short time on different spots near warm places. But it is told, only those, who wear magic [golden glasses], can see the rose.

Go to the forest, by the campfire.  She says the rose will appear for a short time on different spots. She says you must wear your GOLDEN GLASSES in order to see the rose. Go to the forest wearing the glasses and wait for the rose to appear. I had to wait approximately 20 minutes for the rose to appear, so you must be patient. 

The rose can be very hard to see, you can use Area Search in the Firestorm Viewer and type "rose" for the search criteria, then wait for it to show up in the results. Once you see it in your search results, right click on the name and “zoom” to see its location. You will have to move close to the rose in order to touch it and receive the rose.

Lumina's Rose: You have found Lumina's Rose.

Second Life: Lumina's Rose gave you 'Lumina's Rose' 



The Ranger told you to find five black candles for the ritual, to unchain the Necronomicon from its place.”

The Black Candles are scattered all over the Catacombs. Be sure to wear your AMULET OF PROTECTION while you are searching for them.

Go to the Catacombs and find them in the following locations:

  • Black Candle I:   In the Soul Devourer Room, behind the coffin on the right
  • Black Candle II:  Behind coffin where you get the OLD DIARY
  • Black Candle III: In the place where you fall through the floor in the catacombs, amongst the rubble
  • Black Candle IV: In the Dragon Lair, while facing the entrance, to the right of the stairs in the corner
  • Black Candle V:  In the room beyond the chasm, where you obtained your DRAGON CHALICE and SILVER KEY, behind the Chest

*** Refer to Episode 1 - Part 2 - The Catacombs quest guide for the locations of these rooms if you forget where they are.

In Soul Devourer Room (near silver chalice) behind coffin on the right, you need to use the SPELL SCROLL to kill the Soul Devourer when you enter.

Spell Scroll: This scroll contains powerful spells against creatures of darkness.

 ... whispers: Aloud, you recite the forceful spell. The Soul Devourer collapses into a heap of slime and bones.


Black Candle I: You take the candle.

Second Life: Black Candle I gave you 'Black Candle I'

Behind coffin where you get the OLD DIARY

Black Candle II: You take the candle.

Second Life: Black Candle II gave you 'Black Candle II'

In the place where you fall after giving the MYSTERIOUS GOLDEN CHALICE to The Forgotten King (skeleton in chair), the candle is on the ground hidden amongst the rubble.

Black Candle III: You take the candle.

Second Life: Black Candle III gave you 'Black Candle III

In the Dragon Lair to the right of the stairs inside the lair. (Note:  You can collect this candle after slaying a dragon.)

Black Candle II: You take the candle.

Second Life: Black Candle IV gave you 'Black Candle IV'

In the room across from the chasm behind the treasure ches. You need the BRONZE KEY to open the gate.  State "Courage and belief will protect me" in local chat to walk across the chasm.

Alanna: courage and belief will protect me

When you get into the room, say "veritas" to protect you against the evil before you try to take the Black Candle.

Alanna: veritas

King's Skull whispers: You have disarmed the trap. Now you may take the crown and the chalice.

Black Candle V: You take the candle.

Second Life: Black Candle V gave you 'Black Candle V' 



The last time you spoke with the Ranger, he told you that you must find the NECRONOMICON and also explained to you what to do with LUMINA’S ROSE:

The Ranger: It is hidden somewhere beneath the forsaken graveyard. You require Lumina’s Rose to open the entrance to the hidden dungeon. You should ask Fiona about the [Rose of Lumina].

Now that you have obtained the ROSE OF LUMINA, go to the cemetery and search for the secret entrance to the hidden dungeon.

As you wander around, you find a broken-down rotunda towards the back of the graveyard with a set of stairs. You walk up the stairs and see a pedestal with the image of a rose on it. Click on the pedestal:

Pedestal: There is an engraved symbol of a rose on the stone pedestal.

Wear LUMINA’S ROSE and click the pedestal again.

Pedestal whispers: As you place the rose on the pedestal, you hear the sound of moving stone, coming from the chapel nearby.

Quickly run to the Gothic Crypt in the front of the graveyard and go inside to the far, right wall, there will be an opening for a very brief period. Go down the ladder.

You will see a room ahead and a doorway that is covered in spider webs. 

If you go closer:

Giant Spider: The spider looks very hungry. Regarding the bones lying on the ground, it really likes human beings. There are also some bones from birds mixed up with the human ones.


Giant Spider: The spider catches you with its sharp fangs. You will be a tasty meal.

The spider will eat you and you will DIE. If you have DIED, click on the SKULL portal to resurrect at the entrance of the graveyard.

Avalon HUD - Version 2.2: You died. Click one of the teleport buttons in the HUD to resurrect at the position of your choice and regain your ability to move.

Since this spider is so hungry, and seems to like eating birds, you consider the “tasty” UPSET CHICKEN you obtained earlier and wonder if the poor chicken can offer a diversion while you get past to the next room. 

Wear the UPSET CHICKEN and return to the room with the Giant Spider. This time, when you enter the room, click on the UPSET CHICEN.

Enter the room only a little bit until you receive the following dialogue.

Giant Spider: The spider looks very hungry. Regarding the bones lying on the ground, it really likes human beings. There are also some bones from birds mixed up with the human ones.

Now quickly click on the UPSET CHICKEN. The chicken will fall from your hands onto the ground and you will see the following dialogue in local chat:

Alanna: Mmmh, yum yum, come here little spider. Tasty chicken, yum yum!

Quickly! You must run past the spider while he is busy and through the open door to the far right.

You proceed down a set of stairs into a room that appears to be used for sacrificial rituals. There is a pentagram on the wall and a bloody stone table.

There is a frame upon the wall with 2 red candles, one on either side. Click the candles to light them and illuminate the framed stone tablet, then read the message that appears:

A sacrifice of mortal flesh reveals the secret of the ancient ones.

You click on the pentagram on the wall to the side:

Bloody Pentagram: There is a symbol on the wall. Hm... dried blood. The necromancers left this symbol behind.

You click on the closed door:

Stone Plate: The stone plate won't move. You should find another way, to open it.

Go to the village gallows and click on the hanging elven woman:

Hanged Elven Woman: A hanged elven woman. Even in death she is still beautiful. What a pity.

Next, you must wear both your EXCALIBUR SWORD and EXCALIBUR BELT. Sheath the sword so it is not visible in your hand.  Click on the BELT to unsheathe your sword, then click on the hanging elven woman.

Hanged Elven Woman: You cut the rope of the hanged elven woman with your sword.

Now click on the ELVEN WOMAN lying on the ground.

Elven Woman Corpse: You take the corpse of the elven woman and put it in a sack.


Second Life: Elven Woman Corpse gave you 'Elven Woman Corpse'



Now return to the sacrificial chamber in the hidden dungeon beneath the graveyard. You may need to get another UPSET CHICKEN to feed to the Giant Spider since each chicken can be used only one time.

Hold the ELVEN WOMAN in your hands and click on her while standing in front of the sacrificial table. 

Elf Woman whispers: You place the corpse on the stone table. But what's that, the elven woman is still breathing??


Elf Woman whispers: There is no turning back now! Take the dagger and finish, what you have started!

Next, click on the dagger that is resting on the table.

Soon, you hear the door unlock. Touch the door to open it and enter the next chamber. You see a book on a pedestal in the center of the room with a glowing, rotating pentagram. On the floor you see 5 skulls placed in a circle around the pedestal. 

Before you continue, check your Firestorm Settings and go to Avatar, Preferences, User Interface, 3D World and make sure you have a check mark on “Show Hover Tips.” Now if you hover your mouse over an in-world object, it will show you the name of the object.

Now hover your mouse pointer over one of the skulls and you will see the object name. Look for the skull with the name SKULL I.  When you find it, wear BLACK CANDLE I and click on the corresponding skull. Do this for all five skulls until all of the candles are placed on the corresponding numbered skull.

The Pentagram whispers: You have placed all candles. Suddenly, a strange pentagram appears on the floor. You watch the magic releasing the Necronomicon. Hurry now, take it!

Click on the book.

The Necronomicon: As you touch the Necronomicon, a horrible shiver flows through your body. You feel the evil magic pulsing inside this ancient book. You take it.

Wear the NECRONOMICON and click on it:

The Necronomicon: You try to open the Necronomicon, but it is sealed by invisible powers.

The Necronomicon: You have to find a way, to break the magical seal.

Next, return to Lumina in the Temple of Light.  Go to the ruined arch and wear ANGEL’S FEATHER then click on the arch to activate the portal.

Magic Portal: As soon as you place the feather between the pillars of the arc, it levitates and begins to shine. A magic portal appears.

Walk all the way up to Lumina until she greets you:

Lumina: Welcome back, Alanna!

Wear the NECRONOMICON and AMULET OF PROTECTION, then touch Lumina.

Lumina: I shall give you due warning, that this unholy book of evil is one of the [ancient relics]. Take care when using this, lest it consume your soul.


Lumina: The seal shall be removed from the book. Use it carefully.

The Necronomicon: The magical seal, that chained the book, is now broken.


Lumina: The Amulet of Protection will protect you from all evil magic.


Lumina: It shall be clean and pure once more.

Amulet of Protection: The Amulet of Protection begins to shine, as new powers flow through it.


Amulet of Protection: The Amulet is now purified.


Alanna: ancient relics


Lumina: Since you own the staff and the book now, your next task is to travel to the village and seek the Crystal of Life. Listen well, and know this secret. The crystal in the center of the village is the gate into the Realm of Twilight.


Lumina: Once you have made your way to the village, equip your relics and touch the statue, holding the crystal. Their power will enforce the magic gate seal. Complete this task, then return to me, and I shall tell you how to challenge and defeat the evil manifestation of the necromancer. Now go, bravest adventurer, and fulfill your destiny.

Go to the village courtyard.  Stand before the statue in the center of the courtyard wearing your NECRONOMICON and your STAFF OF AGES.

Touch the center medallion on the statue.

Avalon Archangel Statue: This is the statue of the Archangel of Avalon.


Twilight Gate: The earth shakes and trembles violently beneath your feet.


Twilight Gate: Suddenly, a horrific gate appears before you. Instead of sealing the crystal, all you have sealed is your fate by opening the gate to the Realm of Twilight. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide... time to face your fears.



To be continued….